Meet Angelica

Your Guide to Holistic Wellness

Welcome! I'm Angelica (Mark RHN, D.Ac), the founder of You Defined. My journey to holistic health began on a personal level, fueled by a lifelong battle with weight management. This struggle resurfaced as I witnessed my daughter grapple with similar issues and PCOS symptoms in her early teens.

Driven by a passion for helping others

I embarked on a path of extensive education and training. Today, I stand before you as a

Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN)

Equipped with expertise in whole-food nutrition and its impact on overall health.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Utilizing ancient wisdom to promote balance and healing within the body

Health and Life Coach

Empowering individuals to achieve their well-being goals through mind-body connection.

Detoxification Specialist

Guiding clients on safe and effective methods to cleanse and revitalize their systems.

My Mission: Empowering Your Transformation

For over 35 years, I've dedicated myself to helping individuals overcome weight challenges and navigate the complexities of uterine issues. My approach is deeply personal, driven by my own experiences and a genuine desire to alleviate the suffering I once endured.

Working closely with clients

I create personalized plans that address the root causes of weight gain, hormonal imbalances, and uterine discomfort associated with conditions like PCOS, cysts, and fibroids.